Monday, March 22, 2010

Faces of Angels

If you don't know, which you might not, I will be serving on a mission trip with Show Hope... in China... for 2 weeks this summer!! First, let me just give you a little background about how all of this came about and how awesome our God is! So after the earthquake in Haiti, I was just overwhelmed with thoughts, emotions, and a desire to do something, anything to help. (I posted a long note about it on Facebook if you're interested.) Anywho, I began to be burdened in particular for the insane amount of orphans, both old and new, in Haiti. If you know me, you know that I love kids, and have a special love for orphans. So, I began looking at adoption information. Yes, I know, I'm not married, and I am not financially able to adopt at this time anyway, but it doesn't hurt to hope and prepare for the future, right? Well, this led me to Shaohannah's Hope, an organization founded by Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife as a movement to care for orphans. I remember first hearing about the organization in high school at a concert of his. Once on the website, I stumbled upon Maria's Big House of Hope (MBHOH). MBHOH is an orphange/medical facility in Luoyang, China dedicated to saving the lives of special needs heart immediately began to pound out of my chest! I began looking for opportunities to serve/volunteer there, but found none at the moment. (In case you don't know, you should probably know that I am an RN, just one reason this facility in particular touched my heart.) I did find however, a place to sign up for updates on upcoming mission opportunities with Show Hope, which of course I did. About 2 weeks later, I received an email about Show Hope's summer mission ready for MBHOH!! I immediately called my parents and sent them the link to check it out. I also called one of my very best friends who I knew would pray about the opportunity with me. I hastily filled out the application and mailed it to Show Hope. Then on March 5th I received a wonderful phone call inviting me to join the Show Hope team this summer! I could barely tell her yes due to the excitement I felt! I wanted to squeal and do a nice little dance around my room : ) All of that to say, our God is SO Good! He knew I had been battling discouragement. He knew/ knows my heart for orphans, missions, and children in general. He knows my desire to glorify Him with my life, my desire to die to self and live for Him alone...And our faithful Father is allowing me an opportunity to make that happen. Not to say this is the first time, but this is the most recent of His blessings to me. Oh how GREAT He is!! So, if you would like to know more or see a little bit more of MBHOH, here is the website as well as two video from MBHOH. The videos will explain the title of this post. I know this was a rather long post, but I just wanted to share.
-with love
Videos: Sorry I can't figure out how to post the videos on here, but here are the links. and the 2nd one


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